Sara Daffara, Antony Borel, Marie-Hélène Moncel. Conditioning of the raw materials on discoid exploitation strategies during the Early Middle Palaeolithic: the example of Payre level D (South East France). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Sara Daffara, Gabriele L.F. Berruti, Giulia Berruto, Negar Eftekhari, Carmela Vaccaro, Marta Arzarello. Raw materials procurement strategies at the Ciota Ciara cave: new insight on land mobility in north-western Italy during Middle Palaeolithic. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 26
Sandro Caracausi, Gabriele L.F. Berruti, Sara Daffara, Davide Bertè, Francesco Rubat Borel. Use of a GIS predictive model for the identification of high altitude prehistoric human frequentations. Results of the Sessera valley project (Piedmont, Italy). Quaternary International 490: 10-20.
Sara Daffara, Gabriele L.F. Berruti, Sandro Caracausi, Xosé-Pedro Rodríguez-Álvarez, Robert Sala-Ramos. The use of “second rate” raw materials during Middle Palaeolithic. Technological and functional analysis of two sites in north-eastern Iberia. L’Anthropologie 122: 626-653
Gabriele L.F. Berruti, Stefano Ruzza. The emergence of war in human societies. In: Late Prehistory and Protohistory: Bronze Age and Iron Age. Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain). BAR International series 234: 27-38
Davide Visentin, Diego E. Angelucci, Gabriele L.F. Berruti, Stefano Bertola, Marilena Leis, Marco Marchesini, Silvia Marvelli, Marco Pezzi, Elisabetta Rizzoli, Ursula Thun Hohenstein, Sara Ziggiotti, Federica Fontana. First evidence of human peopling in the southern Po plain after the LGM: the early Sauveterrian site of Collecchio (Parma, Northern Italy). Preistoria Alpina 48: 115-128.
Ana-Cruz, Gabriele Luigi Francesco Berruti, Davide Delfino, Filomena Gaspar. The lithic hoard hypogeum of Colos (Abrantes, Middle Tagus valley-Portugal): shadows of a ritual. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 16 (1): 75-86.
Fabio Buccheri, Davide Federico Bertè, Gabriele Luigi Francesco Berruti, Isabel Caceres, Lisa Volpe, Marta Arzarello. Taphonomic analysis on fossil remains from the Ciota Ciara cave (Piedmont, Italy) and new evidences of cave bear and wolf exploitation with simple quartz flakes by Neanderthal. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 122 (3), pp. 41-54.
Arnaud J., Arzarello M., Berruti G.L.F., Berruto G., Bertè D., Berto C., Buccheri F., Casini A.I., Daffara S., Luzi E., Lopez Garcia J.M., Peretto C. Borgosesia, Monte Fenera. Grotta della Ciota Ciara. Nuovi dati sull’occupazione musteriana. Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte, 29: 204-206
Rubat Borel F., Berruti G.L.F., Bertè D., Daffara S., Scoz L. Bioglio, Valle Mosso, Valle San Nicolao, Pettinengo. Alta Valsessera e valle Dolca. Frequentazione preistorica di alta quota: risultati della campagna di ricognizione. Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte, 29: 137-141.
Daffara S., Arzarello M., Berruti G., Berruto G., Bertè D., Berto C. The Mousterian lithic assemblage of the Ciota Ciara cave (Piedmont, Northen Italy): exploitation and conditioning of raw material. Journal of lithic studies, 1 (2): 63-78.